Sunday Worship

            Peace Lutheran congregation is the Body of Christ, joined to the Church throughout time and space, and weekly worship is its beating heart. When we gather together we are assured of God’s forgiveness and love for us, we are empowered by the Word and Sacraments, and we are commissioned to be God’s servants, God’s hands in this world.

Weekly worship at Peace follows a traditional four-part structure:

  • Gathering: We join for worship and are greeted in the name of the Triune God. We share prayers and sing songs of worship appropriate to the season.
  • Word: We hear readings from Scripture and often a message from the pastor or worship leader. We respond by confessing our faith and offering the prayers of the church.
  • Meal: We share the Sacrament of the Altar, where we receive the assurance of forgiveness in the body and blood of Christ.
  • Sending: Refreshed and empowered by Word and Sacrament we are once again sent into the world as workers sharing the Good News of God’s love with our words and actions.

Our style of worship is structured but not rigid, traditional but not archaic. We believe that liturgy (literally, “the work of the people,”) should employ the language of today to express the concepts of eternity. And we believe that our worship should feel open and welcoming, not like a club into which one needs to seek initiation. God welcomes all; we can do no less.


5 Scenic Drive, Washington, Missouri 63090.

Sundays at 10AM (Adult Education and Sunday School start at 9AM)

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