Special Services

            Weekly worship, a reflection of the ancient tradition of Sabbath, is central to life at Peace. We recognize as well that for many worship is a deep, daily and intensely personal process.

But we also recognize that worship cannot be conveniently confined to one model. It is different for different people and for different occasions. Special occasions demand special worship opportunities. Peace has offered, and will continue to offer, communal worship for such occasions.

Peace celebrates the two preparatory seasons of the church year, Advent and Lent, with midweek services, each preceded by a meal together. Advent midweek worship features scripture, music and prayer designed to prepare for God’s incarnation at Christmas. Lenten midweek services offer opportunities for reflection on Jesus’s path to the cross, and beyond, to the empty tomb.

The congregation also appreciates that unusual occurrences in the life of the community present unique worship opportunities. Peace has sponsored Blue Christmas, which offers  spiritual support to those for whom the Christmas season, with its sometimes forced sense of cheer, seems hollow and dark.

Peace has also offered community vigils at times of community or national tragedy and division. In these times when we often feel helpless and out of control, Peace has developed a habit of gathering and consoling one another and our community, offering a place of quiet, solace, and reflection. These have included prayer vigils in a variety of formats after such tragedies as mass shootings, violent demonstrations, and natural disasters. We have also offered space for prayer during election cycles, sometimes including the sharing of Holy Communion as a reminder that our true identity is not in our political affiliation, but in our baptisms.

Worship is a response to God’s intervention in our lives. Peace strives to provide worship opportunities in response to these interventions.


5 Scenic Drive, Washington, Missouri 63090.

Sundays at 10AM (Adult Education and Sunday School start at 9AM)

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