Peace Lutheran is a welcoming church and that includes all children. We offer an unstaffed nursery should anyone need a time out. However, children are encouraged to participate in all parts of the church service. The Children’s Message is an integral piece of the service and children are invited to come forward to hear a special lesson that usually relates to the sermon theme.
At their parent’s discretion, children may partake in Holy Communion to receive either a blessing or the meal, which offers a choice of grape juice. All children are offered Communion education through our Sunday school program. In their 2nd or 3rd grade year, they are given an opportunity to take a special class and celebrate their place at the Table with the whole congregation. Children who have refrained from taking Communion often recognize this as their First Communion.
Our kids are often asked to help with ushering, which includes handing out bulletins and collecting the offering. They have also been known to assist with the readings and share their musical talents. We also supply special Children’s Bulletins that help engage them during the service. Peace continues to integrate our youngest members in every aspect of its congregation to help them understand that they are a part of the Body of Christ. We take to heart what Jesus says: Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. (Mark 10:14)
5 Scenic Drive, Washington, Missouri 63090.
Sundays at 10AM (Adult Education and Sunday School start at 9AM)