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Adult Education – Peace Lutheran Church ELCA



As a congregation committed to the value of Seeking Understanding, education and discipleship are an important part of our work together. Adult Sunday Forum is a regular weekly feature at Peace during the program year from September to May. Each fall, the group chooses the curriculum together with the help of Pastor Aimée. Over the years, the group has worked through a wide variety of topics, including:

  • theological book discussions on texts like Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life Together and Martin Marty’s Lutheran Questions, Lutheran Answers
  • Studies designed by prominent Lutheran scholars like David Lose’s Making Sense of Scripture, Making Sense of the Cross, and Making Sense of the Christian Faith
  • Devotional series like Gracia Grindal’s 40-day Journey with Martin Luther
  • Topical conversations about current issues such as Honoring Our Neighbor’s Faith, in which we learned about the many different religious traditions in the world, and invited individual neighbors from different backgrounds to share
  • Bible studies from the Augsburg Fortress Book of Faith series, including Revelation, Philippians, and the Psalms.
  • Weekly Bible studies delving more deeply into the worship texts of the week

In addition to Adult Sunday Forum, other adult Christian education opportunities are offered as interest arises. These are led both by Pastor Aimée and by lay leaders who have a particular interest. Past examples include:

  • Book groups on a wide range of interests such as The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander The Book of Forgiving, by Desmond and Mpho Tutu, Joy, by Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama, and Mudhouse Sabbath, by Lauren Winner
  • Adult Confirmation and Lutheranism 101 classes led by Pastor Aimée
  • The Animate: Faith series from Sparkhouse

Other educational opportunities in cooperation with other churches and organizations have included:

  • Faith 5 Inter-Generational curriculum for families
  • Local bookshop discussion group on Healing Spiritual Wounds, by Carol Howard Merritt
  • Community-wide discussion groups on Waking Up White, by Debby Irving
  • Vacation Culture School, an all-ages multi-cultural sharing experience

Guests are always welcome to join us as we look for new and challenging topics that will help us deepen and grow in relationship with God and with one another.


5 Scenic Drive, Washington, Missouri 63090.

Sundays at 10AM (Adult Education and Sunday School start at 9AM)

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